Glenfarclas vs Mortlach - A Whisky Lover's Dilemma
Here we have the ultimate matchup! Glenfarclas vs Mortlach - 12 year old variety. Both are entry-level whiskeys from distilleries known for rich, sherried whiskies, but they seem to take different paths - Mortlach with its unique 2.81 times distillation and meaty profile, Glenfarclas with its traditional family-owned approach. In this article, we'll dive deep into the history, production methods, and tasting notes of these two Speyside single malts to help you understand their unique characteristics and decide which one comes out on top as your go-to dram. Glenfarclas Distillery Overview Glenfarclas is a renowned Speyside distillery with a rich history dating back to 1836. Located in Ballindalloch, Banffshire, just a mile from the River Spey, it sits in the heart of Scotland’s whisky-producing region. The distillery has been family-owned and operated by the Grant family since 1865, making it one of the few remaining independent, family-run distilleries in Scotland. Glenfarclas is