Can you use an Ai voice for your Auto Attendant?


Working on a recent telephone project, I started thinking about how to go about recording a new Auto Attendant message. A quality recording was required so a decent microphone, recording software, quiet room, and a willing volunteer were needed. In the interest of trying to keep thing simple I wondered if any of the Text-to-Speech services would sound good enough to use?

There are many big name companies offing these services for free including..

Amazon Polly

Google Cloud Text-to-Speech

Microsoft Neural Text-to-Speech

After trying them all out I decided to go with Microsoft's offering as I personally found it sounded the best. Its easy to use. Make sure you have an Azure account setup and head on over to the Speech Studio 

Click on Audio Content Creation.

Type out what you would like your new Auto Attendant to say 

Choose your Voice on the right hand side and hit play.

Once your happy with the message you can export a .wav or .mp3 file to upload to you Phone System.

So can you use an Ai voice for you Auto Attendant? Absolutely yes!
